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Neil SINCLAIR25 Mar - 13:00
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Members take part in April charity event to tackle homelessness in UK

We do everything we can to provide a safe place to call home, a chance to thrive and a brighter future
- Kristina Hedderly-Perez, Depaul UK

Most police officers join to make a difference in society by serving their community and providing protection to those who are vulnerable. In a metropolis like London, tragically a number of those living on the streets are young vulnerable people who have faced crisis, been victims of crime or face the risk of being exploited with nowhere to turn for help. It is because of this that Depaul UK, a charity for the homeless with a focus on young people exists to end homelessness and change the lives of those affected by it. The Metropolitan Police Rugby Club, made up of both serving police officers and members of the community, wants to support that vision and make a small contribution towards realising it.

Following the immediate support to someone homeless during a crime or crisis, there are limited long term options for the police on their own to support that person. The need for shelter and ongoing support, rebuilding family relationships and educating young people around the risks and where to turn for help can prevent a vulnerable person from ending up on the street facing dangers of crime or harm. For those already homeless, the defining factor is often a path to independence; supported accommodation and developing life-skills that mean their time being homeless can end and they can find somewhere safe and secure to call home. This is where Depaul UK can hopefully stop these young people ever needing the police on the streets of London or other UK cities, and set them on a safer path. As Met police officers who have come into contact with those living the scary existence on the streets of a major capital, it is so encouraging to know a charity like Depaul exists and that the people that stay in your memory long after the shift is finished can find the help they need. The Met Police Rugby Club is proud to be supporting Depaul during our centenary season. Please visit the Just Giving page to offer your financial support.

Kristina Hedderly-Perez, Executive Director of Fundraising and Communications at Depaul offers this insight:
“Depaul UK is a national homelessness charity with a focus on young people. We exist to end homelessness and change the lives of those affected by it.
We prevent young people becoming homeless by providing shelter and support in a crisis, rebuilding family relationships, and teaching children about the risks and where to turn for help.
For those already facing homelessness, we offer expert housing advice, supported accommodation, and programmes of support that develop life-skills, resilience, and an achievable path to independence.
We do everything we can to provide a safe place to call home, a chance to thrive and a brighter future.”

More details of the event will be available in due course. Please visit the Just Giving page to make your donations.

Further reading